Natalie Sarrett

Director of Communications

The immutable power of words to challenge tradition and transgress boundaries is what keeps Natalie running. Two decades of living in the Middle East and Central Asia shaped her into a storyteller who prioritizes documenting people’s authentic experiences, deconstructing ingrained prejudices, and combating identity erasure as her personal practice of creative resistance and liberation.

Specializing in multi-cultural communications, journalism, and analytical research, Natalie is a seasoned writer and editor with a rich history of working with international humanitarian aid and relief organizations that are changing the world. She is proud to be a member of the Stand Up Nashville team and to advocate for her neighbors, empowering communities often relegated to the margins.




Stand Up Nashville (SUN) addresses racial and economic inequality through strategic research, popular education and organizing. We inspire and empower our diverse base to build a stronger community that values the lives of Nashville’s people of color and working families. By organizing our communities, SUN fights poverty with strategic action around public investment and city planning to create thriving neighborhoods and shared prosperity.

We will tirelessly and courageously fight injustice and organize our community to take action.

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