SUN is a 501(c)3 organization that addresses racial and economic inequality through strategic research, popular education and organizing. We organize our diverse base to build a stronger community that values the lives of Nashville’s people of color and working families. By organizing our communities, SUN fights poverty with strategic action around public investment and city planning to create thriving neighborhoods and shared prosperity.
Leadership Coordinator
We are seeking a Leadership Coordinator to join our team. The Leadership Coordinator is responsible for implementing and evolving SUN’s leadership development programs. The primary responsibility of this position is to run our Boards and Commissions Leadership Institute, SUN’s premier leadership program that trains our diverse, working-class base to serve on Metro Nashville’s boards and commissions for the public good. The Leadership Coordinator will also work closely with the Organizing Team on trainings for the SUNshine Squad and Organizing School.
Click here for the full job description. Click below to apply.