The Axle: Propelling Nashville Forward

Buckle up because our newest series is here, The Axle: Propelling Nashville Forward! We’ll explore the transit plan’s opportunities, possibilities, and potential barriers.

Not really tapped into the topic?
Vaguely remember it on the ballot?
Concerned about what this means for you?

This relevant and timely series has you covered! 



Let’s take it back for a moment. 

We launched the SHIFT Nashville coalition in September 2024 with our community partners: Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition and The Equity Alliance. Together, our staff and volunteers diligently worked to educate the residents of Music City about the transit referendum that would appear on the November 2024 ballot. The tireless organizing efforts reached thousands of voters through text messages, phone calls, emails, knocking on doors, and engaging in community forums. 

Our work in favor of the historic investment paid off. Nashville voters recognized the value of supporting a half-percent sales tax resulting in revenue to fund a 15-year program for bus, sidewalk, and traffic projects. The referendum passed with a nearly two-thirds majority.



We voted. It passed. Now what?

Mayor Freddie O’Connell wasted no time assembling his team to engineer the transit plan into action. Did you know that the transit plan includes the following?:

  • 12 transit centers
  • 26 acres of public land
  • 60,000 new jobs to be created


Those are amazing things and it is important to remember that everything won’t happen in an instant. This is a 15-year program with $3.1 billion in total capital costs. But that doesn’t mean that important decisions are being put on hold. No, it is actually quite the opposite. In fact, the important decisions shouldn’t be left up to closed door decisions – people like you and your neighbors should have a say too. 

That’s why SHIFT Nashville established five key areas of focus in our policy platform. The first is Freedom Moves. Nashville residents are tired of their needs being run over by elected officials in tandem with greedy corporate interests. The people who live, work, study, and play in this rapidly growing city should all be able to thrive here – regardless of socioeconomic status. That’s what we believe freedom is. 

Freedom Moves upholds the value that we all need clean and affordable ways to navigate throughout the city. To accomplish this, the new transit infrastructure should reconnect, repair, and reinvest in our communities.

We envision it becoming a reality through tangible ways:

  • Use transit hubs and public land to create safe, affordable neighborhoods.
  • Raise the starting wage for bus drivers and install safety barriers on every bus.
  • Create safer streets, upgrade bus stops, and expand bus service for Nolensville Pike.
  • Prioritize neighborhoods negatively impacted by redlining, construction of I-40, and other harmful planning decisions for infrastructure and service improvements.
  • Ensure contracts between Metro and private employers support good jobs and equitable employment.
  • Establish a “zero fare” program to lower costs for working people, students, and seniors.

Residents will benefit by:

  • Increased pedestrian safety by reducing deaths and injuries.
  • Improved air quality, ensuring cleaner water, creating a healthier environment.
  • Relief from the burn of constant traffic, expensive car payments and repairs, and rising gas prices.



We’re glad to have you cruise alongside us as we deliver the ins and outs of the transit plan and the SHIFT Nashville policy platform through future issues:

  • Joyful Abodes
  • Everybody Eats
  • Strong Nashville
  • We Decide

As you read, let us know if you have questions and comments.
We can’t wait to hear from you, the people who truly make our city the bustling place that it is. Plus, you know we’re all about everyday people letting their voice be heard – just don’t change our music

Click here to learn more about SHIFT Nashville.





Stand Up Nashville (SUN) addresses racial and economic inequality through strategic research, popular education, and organizing. We inspire and empower our diverse base to build a stronger community that values the lives of Nashville’s people of color and working families. By organizing our communities, SUN fights poverty with strategic action around public investment and city planning to create thriving neighborhoods and shared prosperity.

We will tirelessly and courageously fight injustice and organize our community to take action.

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